All tours and presentations have been cancelled for 2020
Free Group Bee Keeping Presentations:
schedule your group now for spring 2020
We are so happy to be offering free bee keeping presentations for groups from the age 1 to 101. If you have a garden group or class room group that you would like to have a presentation done this is your bee keeper. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page or email us at: soulhoney@pwhome.com

Presentation for 4 years olds about honey and bees for the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah
We love doing presentations for kids of all ages. They learn so much and get a hands on feeling for bees. They get to touch and smell real bee’s wax and other tools of the bee hive. They also get to learn what a bee has in body parts vs. their own bodies for example: We have 2 legs and bees have 6 legs… etc
When we have an older group we go into deeper concepts such as different jobs of the honey bee and how they all work together. What they can see and how they chose what flower to go to.

Presentations at beekeeping clubs, Garden Clubs, and other types of group gatherings.
We now are available to come to your beekeeping club, Girl Scout Troop, Boy Scout Troop, Garden Club, or any group interested in Honey Bees.

Presentation for a group of home school students during Bee week Spring 2020
In school groups we do an in-depth presentation about bees and how they work over all in the environment. We take a trip out to the garden and watch bees do pollination. Then there is a stop at the chicken coop and discuss the contribution the chickens make to the garden to help the vegetables grow. We explain how everything depends on each other to survive and thrive.
Afterwards we have a sack lunch while playing on the playground and then taste some honey.
In the Fall apprenticeships applications for 2019 students that would like to come along and work with us in our hives and learn the ins and outs of bee keeping. We also will work with you on starting your own hives or trouble shooting any hives you may have. There are only 5 spots available. That can be 5 people or 5 families it's up too you. They do fill fast.